An event happened several weeks ago that I can't get off my mind. Researchers at the CERN lab near Geneva claimed to have recorded neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light. That may not seem important to the average person, but for the scientific world it was huge; huge because according to Einstein's theory of relativity nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum (186,282 miles per second). This has been a standard in the world of physics for over one hundred years. This has left the scientific world in a state of shock. In an article in the British paper, The Telegraph, Professor Jenny Thomas, of University College London, says the claims if proven true would call into question our very understanding of physics and the universe. She said, "It would turn everything on its head. It is too awful to think about."
Wait a minute. Isn't every declaration from the scientific community unassailable truth? Are they not as gods who have infinite knowledge and wisdom? And don't they look upon those who question their infinite wisdom as poor unintelligent fools?
So, let me see if I've got this straight. Could it be that they don't possess all of the knowledge of the universe after all? Perhaps they don't have as much knowledge as they thought. Could it be the theory of evolution will also soon be proven wrong? Will they soon discover that the age of the universe isn't thirteen billion years old after all? Will they soon discover that global warming isn't man-made after all? Will they soon discover that life begins at conception after all? Will they soon discover that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle after all? Could it be that there is actually a God who created this world and rules over it with absolute sovereign power? Could it be that all will stand before Him to give account--and all will be found wanting; all have broken His law. Could it be that our only hope is to trust in the Gospel of Christ--that He died on the cross to bear the penalty that we deserved? Could it be?
Oh, the foolishness of man. How hard it is to humble ourselves before the absolute wisdom of God. He alone is the source of all truth, absolute unassailable truth.
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